9 June 2022 | In Italy, half the population already has the new biometric digital IDs, which allow people to conduct their affairs with the notoriously inefficient administration online. But the new digital identities are supposed to be used for a lot more. Italians may soon be some of the supervised apeople in Europe. Continue reading “Italians go for the biometric digital ID”
No phone calls without biometric ID? World Bank guinea pig Nigeria shows what could soon come to you
Bilderberg: When CIA, Pfizer, Facebook and top EU representatives meet in secret
Continue reading “Bilderberg: When CIA, Pfizer, Facebook and top EU representatives meet in secret”
Social credit system, digital central bank money and humans reduced to parts of a social mega machine
Both my videos on the WHO’s global pandemic treaty are now available with closed caption in English
13 April 2022 | The videos on a transhumanistic future with the WHO’s intended global pandemic treaty and the video on the normalization of the state of emergency by that treaty (two-parter) are now both available with closed-caption in English on Youtube.
WHO’s global pandemic treaty could open the gates into a transhumanistic future
2 April 2022 | Video (CC EN) | In the first article on the global pandemic treaty of the World Health Organization, I found fears largely confirmed that the WHO could become a health-supergovernment and establish a permanent pandemic regime. Another worry I had found expressed was that it could be used to further the transhumanist agenda of the World Economic Forum. Unfortunately, a search of semi-official sources revealed that such warnings are warranted.
Continue reading “WHO’s global pandemic treaty could open the gates into a transhumanistic future”