No phone calls without biometric ID? World Bank guinea pig Nigeria shows what could soon come to you

8 June 2022 | Nigeria’s government has recently started requiring all SIM cards to be linked to the National Identification Number (citizen number). 73 million SIM cards were blocked in April. This is how the global surveillance programme ID2020 is enforced. Thanks to support from the IMF, Nigeria is also the fist major country with a digital central bank currency. They will not be satisfied with having pushed these things thorugh in Nigeria. It will come to you, too.

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Bilderberg: When CIA, Pfizer, Facebook and top EU representatives meet in secret

7 June 2022 | It has been Bilderberg meeting time again. Behind closed doors, from June 2 to 5, the heads of the CIA and Pfizer, a vice president of Facebook and top people from Microsoft and Google sat together with top representatives of the EU and NATO and journalists. All supposedly as private citizens, so that the participants do not feel bound by any transparency rules of their offices.

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Social credit system, digital central bank money and humans reduced to parts of a social mega machine

4 June 2022 | Social credit and digital central bank money are tools of technocratic social engineers. They want to turn societies into social mega-machines. To prevent this, it is not enough to defend individual freedom against powerful corporations or an encroaching state. We need a vision of a better alternative to social engineering.

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WHO’s global pandemic treaty could open the gates into a transhumanistic future

2 April 2022 | Video (CC EN)In the first article on the global pandemic treaty of the World Health Organization, I found fears largely confirmed that the WHO could become a health-supergovernment and establish a permanent pandemic regime. Another worry I had found expressed was that it could be used to further the transhumanist agenda of the World Economic Forum. Unfortunately, a search of semi-official sources revealed that such warnings are warranted.

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Investment treaties undermine the protection of climate and environment – including new generation treaties

19 October 2021 | In this guest column, arbitration lawyer Juan Carlos Boué presents the case of Columbia, which has included an environmental exception in their treaty with Canada. Still they were sentenced by a tribunal to pay damages to a Canadian mining company for a ruling of their highest court, which imposed mining restrictions in protected areas.

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