Norway’s government prevented from recording individual citizens’ food purchases

6 June 2023 | Statistics Norway wanted to obtain detailed data on individual citizens’ food purchases by combining supermarket receipts and payment data. The data protection authority has now banned this. This is a setback for those working to enable governments to improve the behaviour of their citizens by recording and manipulating their purchasing patterns.

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Compulsory vaccination forever – WHO adopts digital EU Covid certificate as global standard

5 June 2023 | In June, the legal basis for the digital EU Covid certificates expires. These allow proof of vaccinations or tests which are required for travel or participation in social activites. The WHO is now adopting this digital infrastructure as a permanent model for global travel. Thus, the requirment for anyone wishing to travel to follow up-to-date WHO vaccination recommendations will become a permanent feature. The WHO will be able to activate it any time, if given the new powers foreseen in the pandemic treaty and the reformed International Health Regulations.

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India’s central bank launches new campaign against cash

5 June 2023 | India’s central bank will withdraw the largest banknote from circulation. The then largest note is only worth about as much as the smallest in the euro area. The move is intended to force people to use electronic money instead of cash. With this, they can be better monitored and controlled and the financial and IT industries get their percentages and data with every purchase. India, as a favorite guinea pig of the global cash abolitionists, often provides the blueprint for what is in store for us.

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Sudan: Another proxy-war

27 April 2023 | In Sudan, fierce fighting with many civilian casualties has broken out between the troops of two generals who have been governing the country together. Media present the issue as a simple rivalry between two generals hungry for dictatorial power. However, a fact that is conspicuously absent from the reports might play a role: Russia was about to seal a deal with Sudan to establish a naval base on Sudan’s red sea coast.

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Paypal claims the right to loot accounts and to censor – more so in Europe than in the US

2 November 2022 | In early October, the leading Internet payment provider Paypal announced that from 3 November it would take $2,500 from the accounts of customers who it thinks spread misinformation. After negative customer reactions, Paypal abandoned this plan. However, social media commentary has it that the new policy was secretly rolled out, nevertheless. An investigation into the issue reveals a raft of confusing and inconsistent clauses in the terms and conditions of Paypal and significant differences in how customers in the US and in Europe are treated.

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“We own the science”: How the UN became the Ministry of Truth

9 October 2022 | Totalitarianism is when the authorities determine what is (scientific) truth and censor everything else. In a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum, a high ranking UN official declared this totalitarian approach to be guiding the actions of the UN. She also reported on the toolbox which the UN employs to force its truth on the world. Some governments are even going further, already. They are making it a punishable offence to deviate from the officially decreed truth.

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Why the World Economic Forum loves Greta: Binding CO2-limits for happy citizens who own nothing

5 October 2022 | “Your CO2 limit for the month has been reached, unfortunately we can no longer sell you meat and tropical fruits. How about locally grown potatoes and vegetables?” You could be getting messages of this kind in the near future from the payment app on your personal monitoring device (aka smartphone) when you enter a supermarket towards the end of the month – at least if the corporate lobby World Economic Forum has its way.

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