Kostproben aus dem neuen Newsletter der World Economics Association

Eine neue Ausgabe des WEA-Newsletters, zusammengestellt von Stuart Birks, ist erschienen. Lesen lohnt sich, auch abseits des Stücks von mir, das ich auf diesem Blog schon vorgestellt habe. Es geht um mögliche Allierte für unorthodoxe Ökonomen,  den Zusammenhang von Deregulierung und Bürgerkriegen, die Frage, ob Ökonomen die besseren Sozialwissenschaftler sind, Hunger als das ökonomische Problem und einiges mehr.

Ein paar Häppchen zur Appetitanregung. Ich bitte um Vergebung, dass ich nicht übersetze. Ich möchte diejenigen, die des Englischen nicht hinreichend mächtig sind, nicht zum Download des Newsletter verlocken.

Who are our allies?, von Peter Swan:

Some of our best allies have been students of econom-ics. Their best-known contribution has been to demand that they are taught theories relevant to the financial crash. In the UK, many people in government and busi-ness describe students as ‚customers‘, and are very criti-cal if a university fails to cater for the wishes of its customers.

Economics as Superstructure, von Norbert Häring:

„But we all know, that excellence by itself does not get you very far. Another important ingredient for a successful career (in economics) is how convenient your subject of study and your results are for powerful interests in society.”

Deregulation, governability and peace, von Maria Alejandra Madi:

“Power, finance and global governance are related is-sues that shape livelihoods. Considering the evolution of the international system of rival political powers, it is time to rethink the current forms of power, the con-struction of national identities and the connections with the world-economy.”

Are economists superior to other social scientists?, von Grazia Ietto-Giles, eine Besprechung  von

Fourcade, Marion, Etienne Ollion, and Yann Algan. 2015. „The Superiority of Economists.“ Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(1): 89-114:

“On ‘Getting Published’, the authors write: ‘The economics publications market is also comparatively more concentrated than in other social science disciplines in the sense that the most-cited journals exhibit a heavier concentration of papers coming from elite departments in economics than in sociology.’ Finally, in terms of professional associations, econom-ics appear to have established more cohesive and hierar-chical organizations compared to other social sciences disciplines.”

Hunger as the Primary Economic Problem, von Asad Zaman:

“If any group of concerned citizens would gather to dis-cuss economic problems, it would seem natural to begin with problem of feeding the hungry. Strangely enough, one would not encounter this problem within a standard course of study of economic theory at any of the leading universities throughout the world. This is due to two ma-jor mistakes made in formulation of conventional eco-nomic theories currently being taught and practiced throughout the globe.”

Economics: A primer for India, Buchbesprechung von Stuart Birks and Srikanta Chatterjee:

“The present book … seeks to make the subject (of Economics) particularly useful and relevant in an Indian context. It seeks to develop an approach that enables the reader to understand the functioning of the society around them within an analytical framework which is not too “technical” or abstract.

Interview on neo-structuralism, In this interview Esteban Pérez Caldentey, Miguel Torres and Romain Zivy (all at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC) answer questions on the book Neo-structuralism and Heterodox Currents in Latin America and the Caribbean at the Beginning of the XXI Century

Structuralist thought emerged as a response to the development problems of Latin America and the Carib-bean and dissatisfaction with orthodox responses. For structuralists underdevelopment was not due to exoge-nous forces or shocks or to bad policy, but it was rather an intrinsic feature of Latin America and the Caribbean ingrained in its own social and economic structure.”

Reteaching Economics: Boom Bust Boom, von Ioana Negru and Robert Jump:

“The movement for pluralism in economics has inspired a group of enthusiastic early-career economics lecturers in the UK to constitute a new group/network committed to introducing pluralism in economics: Reteaching Economics. The group is interested in supporting the student movement in the UK that is campaigning for the introduction of theoretical and methodological pluralism within the teaching of economics.”

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