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The Break-up of IZA: A Story of David and Goliath
All too often the power of money seems insurmountable. This is a story that shows that courage, tenacity and solidarity can do a lot. In this case, a powerful, extremely well connected academic and his institute, lavishly financed by Germany’s largest employer, fell because they wanted to silence a critic who fought back.
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Warmly Recommended: Website “Brave New Europe”
Mathew D. Rose – Investigative Journalist specialised in Organised Political Crime, Ruediger Rossig – Investigative Journalist, Balkan Expert, Nick Shaxson – Investigative Journalist and Author of “Treasure Islands” and David Shirreff – Former finance and business journalist at The Economist and Author of “Break up the Banks!”, Playwright are the editors of the new progressive weblog Brave New Europe, featuring texts from dozends of well-know authors.
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Top 10 most read stories
Page views in Thousands.*
Note: most entries on this Website are in German. This is a list of the most-read English stories, only. Last updated, 10 April 2018.
* Stories marked with asterisk have been posted after a technical relaunch in Januar 2017. For these stories, the number of clicks should be more or less equal to the number of readers. For all others, the number of readers will be up to a third lower than the number of clicks.
This website does not use tracking software like Google Analytics. Therefore, Information on unique users is not available.
Call for Papers on Rethinking Europe
The Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) celebrates their 20th Anniversary Conference this year, and this year’s conference is from Oct 20-22 in Berlin. The title is: “Towards Pluralism in Macroeconomics?” Arbeitskreis Politische Ökonomie, in cooperation with the German chapter of the World Economics Association, want to celebrate this by proposing a panel about “Rethinking Europe”, concentrating on the dimension of macroeconomic policies and interdisciplinary approaches.
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The indelible rise of Adolf D. Trump
By John Komlos.* The media is inundated with pundits analyzing the unexpected rise of demagoguery. I would like to add my own: the establishment’s utter loss of credibility. It has been fooling most of the people for more than a generation and Abraham Lincoln’s warning, “you cannot fool all of the people all of the time” has now come back to haunt them with a vengeance.**
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Conference on Teaching Economics in the 21. Century in Berlin
Where will be an important conference from 26.-28. November in Berlin on the need to reform economics education and on ways to do this. The meeting will be held partly in English, partly in German at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR)
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