Investment treaties undermine the protection of climate and environment – including new generation treaties

19 October 2021 | In this guest column, arbitration lawyer Juan Carlos Boué presents the case of Columbia, which has included an environmental exception in their treaty with Canada. Still they were sentenced by a tribunal to pay damages to a Canadian mining company for a ruling of their highest court, which imposed mining restrictions in protected areas.

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ID2020 promoters Gates and Rockefeller Foundations funded WHO’s guideline on digital immunization passes

3 September 2021 | Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation, key promoters of a global digital citizen number, have funded the World Health Organization’s latest digital vaccination certificate guidelines. Defence and digital security company Thales had recently called such a certificate a precursor for universal mobile-digital identity.

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For 50 years Shell has avoided paying the damages it owes the victims of an oil spill in Nigeria

28 June 2021 | In 1970 Shell caused a huge oil spill in Nigeria. After finally being sentenced to pay damages to the affected community by the highest Nigerian court, Shell is now starting investor-state arbitration proceedings, to drag out the case even more, writes Juan Carlos Boué.

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Alexandre Mas: A famous economist is caught in a kafkaesque tribunal with no accusations and no due process (Updated)

16 June 2021 |The Spanish government is pursuing eminent economist Andreu Mas-Colell with unspecified accusations of misappropriation of public funds with regards to the Catalan referentum of 2017, even though he had been retired for years at that time, writes Princeton professor Alexandre Mas, his son, in this guest comment.

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Cash industry association slams banks’ war on cash in report to ECB-led working group on preserving cash

15 June 2021 | The hypocrisy of a working group led by the European Central Bank (ECB) on the preservation of cash, which is dominated by banks who at the same time continue to wage their war on cash, has been exposed by cash industry group ESTA in a report. ESTA sent the report to this working group – after it had recently left it in protest.

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