EU Commission wants emergency rights to tell companies what to produce and for whom

26 September 2022 | With its draft law for a “Single Market emergency instrument”, the EU Commission plans to obtain control over companies in any member state in the event of an unspecified crisis. The Commission wants the power to dictate to “crisis-relevant” companies what they have to produce and to whom they have to deliver it. Democracy and the market economy in Europe are at stake.

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On the end of freedom of expression in Europe

15 August 2022 | With the Digital Services Act and the “Code of Practice on Disinformation”, the EU is creating a sophisticated infrastructure for the comprehensive censorship of information and opinions – outsourced to private corporations. The totalitarian control ambitions behind these plans that guest author Johannes Mosmann brings out in the analysis of these documents is reminiscent of dark, pre-democratic times.

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US is pushing Europe to agree to automated large-scale sharing of biometric data

27 July 2022 | Washington is currently strong-arming individual European governments and the EU to agree to an automated International Biometric Information Sharing Agreement, This would create a vast computer-searchable database with biometric and biographic Information of all citizens of Europe, the US and a number of other countries.

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The rulers of the world – according to the World Economic Forum and Transparency International

16 July 2022 | A revealing text has appeared on the website of the World Economic Forum, the lobby of the largest international corporations. It names, unusually openly, the true rulers of world affairs. The co-authorship of the head of Transparency International makes clear the true character of such “non-governmental” organisations.

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Edward Snowden warns against digital financial fascism

14 July 2022 | It’s been nine years since Edward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA’s global data siphoning shocked the world. But instead of suffering a setback, the U.S. has since expanded its data theft. That’s why it’s important to look at how Snowden evaded surveillance, and what he recommends we do to preserve our freedom. A guest post by Hakon von Holst.

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