Continue reading “Edward Snowden warns against digital financial fascism”
Best of the first 100 issues of “real world economics review”
Continue reading “Best of the first 100 issues of “real world economics review””
World Economic Forum touts Bitcoin as a tool against global warming
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Short News
21/06/2022 The Youtube video “Monkeypox, Pandemic Games and the Tightening of the International Health Regulations” now with closed caption in English.
China leads the way to fine-tuned crowd control by health-code manipulation
Continue reading “China leads the way to fine-tuned crowd control by health-code manipulation”
Study exposes the lie of financial inclusion through big data and elimination of cash
Italians go for the biometric digital ID
9 June 2022 | In Italy, half the population already has the new biometric digital IDs, which allow people to conduct their affairs with the notoriously inefficient administration online. But the new digital identities are supposed to be used for a lot more. Italians may soon be some of the supervised apeople in Europe. Continue reading “Italians go for the biometric digital ID”