How our governments got to promise to promote and protect US digital companies

May 15, 2020 | The US government has founded the G20 group comprising of the most important economic nations. It plays a key role in setting its agenda. US corporations dominate the World Economic Forum and the most important international industry associations and regulators. If they all work together to take advantage of a global […]

Lock Step – The eerily prescient pandemic scenario of the Rockefeller Foundation

May 12, 2020 | Many people find Event 201 rather creepy, the role-play exercise around a novel-corona-virus pandemic, that the Gates-Foundation, Johns-Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum organized weeks before the Covid-19-pandemic started. Even more creepy and impressive, though, is the lesser known Lock Step scenario of the Rockefeller Foundation dating from the year […]

The EU roadmap to the digital vaccination card

May 9, 2020 | Following protests, German Health Minister Jens Span has withdrawn his unusually forward-looking plans to introduce a digital immunity card. What he did not say neither when presenting his plans nor when he withdrew: the electronic vaccination card is a project at EU level that will be pursued further.

ID 2020 – a unified digital identity for everybody on earth

April 21, 2020 | Eric Wagner of multipolar has written a piece on ID2020, which cites translated sections from my reporting in German. Since I have not gotten around to translating my recent writing on ID2020, I take this opportunity to familiarize international readers with this creepy campaign. The following is the second part of […]

The Totalitarian Dystopia of the World Economic Forum is Becoming Reality

April 11, 2020 | In January  2018, a pilot project for the surveillance of air travelers, commissioned by the World Economic Forum, was agreed upon in Davos. At the time, I presented the Known Traveller Digital Identity (KTDI) project as a “totalitarian dystopa”. A follow-up report shows that the multinational corporations are successfully involving governments […]

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