Don’t blame the victims, Mr.Weidmann!

A working paper published by the European Central Bank (ECB) shows that strong wage increases have not been the cause for troubles of the euro zone’s crisis countries. Rather, capital flows have caused bloated house and asset prices and exaggerated construction activity and unsustainable economic activity in general, which in turn has pushed up wages. […]

Despite some BIS-economists: Deleveraging does matter

Outstanding credit to the private sector in the euro area has been shrinking for a long time. It is shrinking fast in several peripheral countries and the European Central Bank (ECB) seems unable or unwilling to do anything about it. Given that the economy of the euro area is barely crawling out of recession and […]


Norbert Häring has been working for Handelsblatt in various positions since 2002. However, this is a private website. What is written here should not be read as the opinion of Handelsblatt.

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