World government illustrated: The World Economic Forum

(…) Already at the second meeting in Davos in 1972, the first head of government took part: Luxembourg’s President Pierre Werner presented his “Werner Plan” for a European monetary union. The world-famous rocket scientist Wernher von Braun also made an appearance. The EU Commission took over the patronage of the meeting and also of that […]


The Endgame of Capitalism A giant Ponzi scheme runs its course as elites prepare for the day after How can this be? The world’s major stock markets recorded very strong gains between spring 2020 and summer 2021. In a year in which global economic output suffered a severe slump, in which many millions of people […]

The Endgame of Capitalism

My latest book “Endspiel des Kapitalismus” (The Endgame of Capitalism) was published in October 2021 by Quadriga. The Endgame of Capitalism A giant Ponzi scheme runs its course as elites prepare for the day after The Author (CV) Table of Contents Introduction Reading samples from … World government illustrated: The World Economic Forum The nature […]

Italy beware! MP Draghi has authored a toxic guide on how to restructure an economy

28 March 2021 | Mario Draghi has recently been put in charge of the Italian government without ever campaigning in a popular election. Have the parties who agreed to that done their due dilligence? Have they read Draghi’s recent guide to „Reviving and restructuring the corporate sector“. It boils down to: Let small companies go […]

How Mastercard invented the health hazard of cash

12 March 2021 | During the corona crisis, Mastercard has been busy peddling the claim that cash poses a major health threat. But this is a campaign that’s been going on for at least eight years. Hakon von Holst took a closer look at its beginnings. At the center: media that trumpet any interest-driven trash […]

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