Bilderberg: When CIA, Pfizer, Facebook and top EU representatives meet in secret

7 June 2022 | It has been Bilderberg meeting time again. Behind closed doors, from June 2 to 5, the heads of the CIA and Pfizer, a vice president of Facebook and top people from Microsoft and Google sat together with top representatives of the EU and NATO and journalists. All supposedly as private citizens, so that the participants do not feel bound by any transparency rules of their offices.

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Social credit system, digital central bank money and humans reduced to parts of a social mega machine

4 June 2022 | Social credit and digital central bank money are tools of technocratic social engineers. They want to turn societies into social mega-machines. To prevent this, it is not enough to defend individual freedom against powerful corporations or an encroaching state. We need a vision of a better alternative to social engineering.

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World Health Assembly shelfs US plan for a WHO health dictatorship – for now

2 June 2022 | A radical proposal by the US government to tighten the International Health Regulations (IHR) has failed at the 75th World Health Assembly of the WHO in Geneva due to the resistance of African and other countries, which did not want to submit so easily to a health dictatorship from Washington and Geneva. Negotiations about a strengthening of the IHR will continue until 2024 in parallel with the global pandemic treaty.

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International Health Regulations: A big step toward a health dictatorship is imminent

12 May 2022 | Currently, the World Health Organization, the EU, and the other WHO member states are negotiating a global pandemic treaty. A proposal from Washington to dis-empower national governments under the International Health Regulations (IHR) indicates where the journey is headed. It is to be voted on at the end of May. The main beneficiaries would be large international corporations in two industries.

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WHO’s global pandemic treaty could open the gates into a transhumanistic future

2 April 2022 | Video (CC EN)In the first article on the global pandemic treaty of the World Health Organization, I found fears largely confirmed that the WHO could become a health-supergovernment and establish a permanent pandemic regime. Another worry I had found expressed was that it could be used to further the transhumanist agenda of the World Economic Forum. Unfortunately, a search of semi-official sources revealed that such warnings are warranted.

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Will the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty put the world in a constant state of emergency?

28 March 2022 | Video (CC EN) | The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently working on a global pandemic treaty with the EU and national governments worldwide. Among the few who know about it, the project is raising serious concerns. They fear that such a treaty would put governments and parliaments under the direct rule of the WHO or that it would be used to promote the transhumanist agenda of the World Economic Forum’s leader Klaus Schwab. A search of official sources reveals that one of these fears, at least, is rather well founded.

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