Clash between banks and cash industry casts dark shadow on ECB’s “cash strategy”

3 May 2021 | As part of its rather secretly “announced” cash strategy, the European Central Bank (ECB) has commissioned a working group of interested organizations to catalogue problems of the cash cycle. A clash between banks and the cash industry association is casting doubt on the sincerity of the endeavour.

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Italy beware! MP Draghi has authored a toxic guide on how to restructure an economy

28 March 2021 | Mario Draghi has recently been put in charge of the Italian government without ever campaigning in a popular election. Have the parties who agreed to that done their due dilligence? Have they read Draghi’s recent guide to „Reviving and restructuring the corporate sector“. It boils down to: Let small companies go under, help private equity funds to strip the midsized ones of their assets and let the big ones take over.

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Vattenfall vs. Germany: A Disgraceful Settlement of a Scandalous Claim

16 March 2021 | On March 5, 2021, it was announced that the Germany had reached an agreement with the Swedish state company Vattenfall to settle a claim valued at up to €7 billion, over the phase-out of nuclear energy in the wake of Fukushima. The government pay Vattenfall €1.4 billion, much too much, argues Juan Carlos Boué in this guest comment.

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Corona as opportunity for a restart: “Multilateralism for the masses” by Merkel, Macron, von der Leyen and Guterres

5 February 2021 | Merkel, Macron, von der Leyen and other international leaders have described the Corona crisis as an opportunity to reorder world politics on the basis of multilateralism. The timing, shortly after the World Economic Forum’s meeting, and the echoes of the Great Reset proclaimed by the forum, are probably no coincidence, as an analysis of key passages will show.

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