Nigerian central bank president arrested after his anti-cash campaign

13 June 2023 | The governor of the Nigerian central bank was removed and arrested by the new government on 9 June. The background is the drastic restriction of citizens’ access to cash for which he was responsible, which has severely damaged the economy, plunged many unbanked people into hardship and robbed many of their earning opportunities.

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India’s central bank launches new campaign against cash

5 June 2023 | India’s central bank will withdraw the largest banknote from circulation. The then largest note is only worth about as much as the smallest in the euro area. The move is intended to force people to use electronic money instead of cash. With this, they can be better monitored and controlled and the financial and IT industries get their percentages and data with every purchase. India, as a favorite guinea pig of the global cash abolitionists, often provides the blueprint for what is in store for us.

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Cash industry association slams banks’ war on cash in report to ECB-led working group on preserving cash

15 June 2021 | The hypocrisy of a working group led by the European Central Bank (ECB) on the preservation of cash, which is dominated by banks who at the same time continue to wage their war on cash, has been exposed by cash industry group ESTA in a report. ESTA sent the report to this working group – after it had recently left it in protest.

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Clash between banks and cash industry casts dark shadow on ECB’s “cash strategy”

3 May 2021 | As part of its rather secretly “announced” cash strategy, the European Central Bank (ECB) has commissioned a working group of interested organizations to catalogue problems of the cash cycle. A clash between banks and the cash industry association is casting doubt on the sincerity of the endeavour.

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Cash industry association ESTA comments on legal tender ruling of the European Court of Justice

4 February 2021 | The European association of cash handling companies ESTA has issued an opinion on the ruling of the European Court of Justice in my case concerning the right to pay my fees to the public broadcaster in cash. They agree with me that the main justification of the court for postulating that the obligation to accept the legal tender can be restricted by national and sub-national lawmakers is severely flawed. Continue reading “Cash industry association ESTA comments on legal tender ruling of the European Court of Justice”

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