The Global Listening Project: the globalists want to know what we are thinking

15 June 2023 | Hardly anyone knows about the Global Listening Project. Those responsible seem to like it this way. A project that pretends to be emphatically interested in the concerns of people all over the world, has many traits that speak of a desire to manipulate populations into accepting the policies and goals of […]

UN to roll out EU approach to online censorship worldwide

13 June 2023 | UN Secretary-General António Guterres has presented a programme which aims to ensure that content disrupting the “empirically supported consensus on facts, science and knowledge” disappears from online platforms and online media. He is calling content providers’ ability to “undermine scientifically established facts with disinformation” nothing less than “an existential risk to […]

Nigerian central bank president arrested after his anti-cash campaign

13 June 2023 | The governor of the Nigerian central bank was removed and arrested by the new government on 9 June. The background is the drastic restriction of citizens’ access to cash for which he was responsible, which has severely damaged the economy, plunged many unbanked people into hardship and robbed many of their […]

Norway’s government prevented from recording individual citizens’ food purchases

6 June 2023 | Statistics Norway wanted to obtain detailed data on individual citizens’ food purchases by combining supermarket receipts and payment data. The data protection authority has now banned this. This is a setback for those working to enable governments to improve the behaviour of their citizens by recording and manipulating their purchasing patterns.

India’s central bank launches new campaign against cash

5 June 2023 | India’s central bank will withdraw the largest banknote from circulation. The then largest note is only worth about as much as the smallest in the euro area. The move is intended to force people to use electronic money instead of cash. With this, they can be better monitored and controlled and […]

Sudan: Another proxy-war

27 April 2023 | In Sudan, fierce fighting with many civilian casualties has broken out between the troops of two generals who have been governing the country together. Media present the issue as a simple rivalry between two generals hungry for dictatorial power. However, a fact that is conspicuously absent from the reports might play […]

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