Carbon Cleanup: The Public is Paying, But Who is Profiting?

August 21, 2020 | In this guest article, June Sekera dissects the false promises of industrial-chemical methods of carbon capture. June is a Visiting Scholar at the Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies, New School for Social Research, and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, University College London.

A new draft of the Pandemic Treaty thickens the veil over its true intentions

21. April 2024 | The latest draft of the WHO pandemic treaty for the upcoming meeting of the negotiating body at the end of the month disguises even more than the previous one the intention to make the systematic surveillance and manipulation of the public dsicourse on health issues the international norm. 

The EU is getting ready for total control of the digital space

15 April 2024 | Under the pretext of promoting “civic” engagement, the EU Commission is funding the development of artificially intelligent software for the survellance and manipulation of social media – for use of state-funded, private watchdogs and government agencies. Preparatory work has been done in the USA. In the event of a “crisis”, all […]

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