Your new and improved digital currency is brought to you by: The World Economic Forum! (whether you want it or not)

3 May 2023 | The lobby of the largest international corporations has networked central banks working on digital central bank currencies and published a “toolkit” to guide the decision making process. Central banksare actually using this guidebook. This might help to explain why the interests of citizens count for so little in this matter, while those of financial corporations are promoted without restraint.

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Sudan: Another proxy-war

27 April 2023 | In Sudan, fierce fighting with many civilian casualties has broken out between the troops of two generals who have been governing the country together. Media present the issue as a simple rivalry between two generals hungry for dictatorial power. However, a fact that is conspicuously absent from the reports might play a role: Russia was about to seal a deal with Sudan to establish a naval base on Sudan’s red sea coast.

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The class of 2023 of the Young Global Leaders will make the world a better place – this time for sure

21 April 2023 | The class of 2023 of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders are placing a greater emphasis on a sense of purpose and on having a positive impact on society and the environment than their predecessors, according to their leader. They will make the world a better place in the long term, he is sure. A look at this motley elite force allows a fairly safe judgement as to whether this will really come to pass this time around.

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WHO wants to make manipulation of public opinion mandatory for governements

24 February 2023  | WHO’s governing body has signed off on a draft resolution on the use of behavioural sciences in health policy. A pamphlet issued by the Rockefeller Foundation makes clear what it is really about: extensive manipulation of public opinion n the interests of a world authority that believes itself to be in possession of scientific truth.

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The WHO/pharma health dicatorship is taking shape

11 December 2022 | Government representatives have agreed to negotiate a first draft of a binding WHO pandemic treaty on the basis of a “conceptual zero draft” that is already available. It has obligations to constantly check for any possibly new virus, to give subsidies to pharma and to stockpile vaccines, support for medical patents and the right for the WHO to rule over pandemic responses via expert teams, sent into affected countries.

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