
The Endgame of Capitalism A giant Ponzi scheme runs its course as elites prepare for the day after How can this be? The world’s major stock markets recorded very strong gains between spring 2020 and summer 2021. In a year in which global economic output suffered a severe slump, in which many millions of people […]

The World Economic Forum is planning the “Great Reset” to prevent it from happening

July 29, 2020 | The club of the world’s richest people and the largest nature-destroying corporations wants the “Great Reset”. Instead of poverty, disease, overpopulation and destruction of nature, the mega-rich promise us a fair world in harmony with nature. Despite its obvious absurdity and the cynicism behind it, this initiative should not be ignored. […]

Rockefeller Foundation keeps working on their autocratic Lock Step scenario

July 13, 2020. Ten years ago, the Rockefeller Foundation published the eerily prescient, autocratic Lock-Step-Scenario and, apparently, has been working to make it true. The most recent initiative in this regard is a cooperation of the Rockefeller-funded GAVI immunization alliance with Mastercard and a biometric ID company named TrustStamp.

Video-Interview on The Real News Network

May 14, 2020 | The Real News Network (TRNN) from Baltimore did an interview with me on “Who’s Fighting the War Against Cash?”, which is now online. It covers the Better Than Cash Alliance, Indian Demonetization and my courtcase on the right to use cash. Below is a link to the interview and some interesting […]

Anti-Cash-Alliance Suffers Setback in Home-Town New York

The Better Than Cash Alliance (Visa, Mastercard, Citibank, Bill Gates, USAID) coordinates the global war against cash from New York. Now, the city council there has decided to oblige all brick and mortar stores and restaurants to accept cash. The justification of the regulation is a low blow for the alliance’s financial inclusion propaganda…

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