How WHO is controlling social media

4 December 2022 | The World Health Organization (WHO) has a webpage, which lists and describes the various ways in which the UN-organization, which is predominantly financed by large corporations and their foundations, is controlling and manipulating social media to make sure that only their version of science and truth gets distributed widely. It is […]

Polarization of societies around Covid-vaccinations was already planned in spring 2020

30 September 2022 | Even before Covid-vaccines were developed, researchers of the US elite university Yale investigated which mass psychological means could best be used to get people to push each other to vaccinate. The messages that were identified as particularly effective in a large, elaborate experimental study were precisely those that were later used […]

WHO’s global pandemic treaty could open the gates into a transhumanistic future

2 April 2022 | Video (CC EN) |  In the first article on the global pandemic treaty of the World Health Organization, I found fears largely confirmed that the WHO could become a health-supergovernment and establish a permanent pandemic regime. Another worry I had found expressed was that it could be used to further the […]

Bill Gates pretends that Event 201 never happened

April 26, 2020 | Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who, together with his wife, runs the richest and most powerful foundation in the world, co-organized a simulation exercise on a worldwide corona epidemic in October 2019, just before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Videos were published , documenting this exercise. Now he pretends in an […]

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