WHO wants to make manipulation of public opinion mandatory for governements

24 February 2023  | WHO’s governing body has signed off on a draft resolution on the use of behavioural sciences in health policy. A pamphlet issued by the Rockefeller Foundation makes clear what it is really about: extensive manipulation of public opinion n the interests of a world authority that believes itself to be in […]

EU is financing surveillance and manipulation of public opinion in Africa

17 Oktober 2022 | The EU has been funding a project in Nigeria that used eavesdroppers in villages and journalists trained as online scouts and trolls to track and counter opinions critical of the government, in order to secure stability and peace. The Nigerian government is continuing the project.

China leads the way to fine-tuned crowd control by health-code manipulation

17. June 2022 | China’s government is showing what can be done with digital health passes in conjunction with tests and vaccinations as conditions for access to buildings and means of transport. Those who show intention to take part in public protests, have the color of their health app set to red. Some liberal democracies, […]

A new draft of the Pandemic Treaty thickens the veil over its true intentions

21. April 2024 | The latest draft of the WHO pandemic treaty for the upcoming meeting of the negotiating body at the end of the month disguises even more than the previous one the intention to make the systematic surveillance and manipulation of the public dsicourse on health issues the international norm. 

The EU is getting ready for total control of the digital space

15 April 2024 | Under the pretext of promoting “civic” engagement, the EU Commission is funding the development of artificially intelligent software for the survellance and manipulation of social media – for use of state-funded, private watchdogs and government agencies. Preparatory work has been done in the USA. In the event of a “crisis”, all […]

The Global Listening Project: the globalists want to know what we are thinking

15 June 2023 | Hardly anyone knows about the Global Listening Project. Those responsible seem to like it this way. A project that pretends to be emphatically interested in the concerns of people all over the world, has many traits that speak of a desire to manipulate populations into accepting the policies and goals of […]

UN to roll out EU approach to online censorship worldwide

13 June 2023 | UN Secretary-General António Guterres has presented a programme which aims to ensure that content disrupting the “empirically supported consensus on facts, science and knowledge” disappears from online platforms and online media. He is calling content providers’ ability to “undermine scientifically established facts with disinformation” nothing less than “an existential risk to […]

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