How this Blog has Made a Difference

In the first six years of this blog, my reporting has made a difference here and there. It contributed to the break-up of the anti-labor Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) and to the European Central Bank no longer sending a representative as a member of the shady G30 group…

EU-Parliament wants Trichet removed from ECB-ethics committee (corrected version)

Yesterday, the EU-Parliament adopted a report, which calls on the ECB “to ensure that the Ethics Committee is not chaired by a former president of the ECB” and stresses that the president or board members of the ECB should not be members of the G30 or other groups which include executives from banks supervised by […]

Jean-Claude Trichet cannot be chairman of the ECB’s ethics committee any longer

The EU Ombudsman has issued her judgement that it constitutes maladministration on the part of the ECB that they have been letting their president, Mario Draghi, be a member of the private club of bankers G30. It would be an insult to the European people, if former ECB-president Jean-Claude Trichet, long-time chairman of said club […]

Top 10 most read stories

Page views in Thousands.* Note: most entries on this Website are in German. This is a list of the most-read English stories, only. Last updated, 10 April 2018. A well-kept open secret: Washington is behind Inida’s brutal Experiment of abolishing most cash  (Jan 17)  223 Was it worth it? Concessions to Greece relative to the rejected […]

The Group of Thirty might finally end its scandalous existence

The European Ombudswoman has announced that she will investigate the membership of the President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, in the Group of Thirty. this is a shadowy forum of the most senior executives from large commercial banks and the most important central banks.The Group of Thirty meets behind closed doors without […]

A well-kept open secret: Washington is behind India’s brutal experiment of abolishing most cash

In early November, without warning, the Indian government declared the two largest denomination bills invalid, abolishing over 80 percent of circulating cash by value. Amidst all the commotion and outrage this caused, nobody seems to have taken note of the decisive role that Washington played in this. That is surprising, as Washington’s role has been disguised only very superficially.

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