Pressure is mounting on Draghi and the G30

Emily O‘Reilly is the EU Ombudsman, an arbiter for the public’s complaints about EU-institutions. She has earned a reputation for being tough. She wants written answers from Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, the EU’s monetary and banking surveillance institution. He has to explain how he makes sure that he does not divulge insider information or […]

Draghi insists on continuing the G30-scandal – new report is out

11. October 2015 | The Group of Thirty, a mixed group of international commercial bankers and central bankers, has just released a report on central banking. The report is again presented as if it was representing the opinion of the group as a whole, including Mario Draghi. This proves that the new guidelines for communication […]

Italy beware! MP Draghi has authored a toxic guide on how to restructure an economy

28 March 2021 | Mario Draghi has recently been put in charge of the Italian government without ever campaigning in a popular election. Have the parties who agreed to that done their due dilligence? Have they read Draghi’s recent guide to „Reviving and restructuring the corporate sector“. It boils down to: Let small companies go […]

Lock Step – The eerily prescient pandemic scenario of the Rockefeller Foundation

May 12, 2020 | Many people find Event 201 rather creepy, the role-play exercise around a novel-corona-virus pandemic, that the Gates-Foundation, Johns-Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum organized weeks before the Covid-19-pandemic started. Even more creepy and impressive, though, is the lesser known Lock Step scenario of the Rockefeller Foundation dating from the year […]

BIS Praises Indian Milestone Toward Totalitarianism as an Example for the World

February 16, 2020 | The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the powerful central bank of central banks, has published a paper that is scandalous in more than one respect. They advocate worldwide adoption of the Indian government’s approach to data-sharing, which will result in every Indian citizen being stripped of all privacy. …

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