Compulsory vaccination forever – WHO adopts digital EU Covid certificate as global standard

5 June 2023 | In June, the legal basis for the digital EU Covid certificates expires. These allow proof of vaccinations or tests which are required for travel or participation in social activites. The WHO is now adopting this digital infrastructure as a permanent model for global travel. Thus, the requirment for anyone wishing to travel to follow up-to-date WHO vaccination recommendations will become a permanent feature. The WHO will be able to activate it any time, if given the new powers foreseen in the pandemic treaty and the reformed International Health Regulations.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) announced on 5 June:

“In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics. This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.”

There is so much to be said about this monstrous undertaking, which makes a whole series of alleged conspiracy narratives come true, that I have to keep the individual aspects bulletpoint-like for brevity. However, I will link to more detailed posts on the individual steps in the preparation of this seizure of power by the globalists.

Not least among these is the article (inGerman) from March 2022 with the following title and teaser (translated):

Digital vaccination passport checks on the way to becoming a permanent feature
In Germany and around the world, determined efforts are being made to make the freedom of movement and action of all citizens permanently dependent on providing proof of vaccinations in line with the latest state requirements. The total surveillance agenda ID2020 is being implemented in this way.”

On the relevance of the move

The planned WHO pandemic treaty and the planned strengthening of the International Health Regulations (IHR) would significantly strengthen the role of the WHO in shaping health policy globally. If adopted as planned, the WHO would get the power to impose the use of digital health passports in cases of health emergencies, which the secretary-general of the WHO could declare with no oversight or controls. Remember that even a non-event as a smallish outbreak of monkey pocks was declared a global health emergency recently. This would be all the more true if the USA, which selects the WHO secretary-general and a subservient EU ware to prescribe these certificates for entry at their borders.

At the suggestion of the major global corporations, the G20 group of the largest economic nations decided in November 2022 to make health certificates a permanent requirement for travel.

The vaccinations which we will have to undergo in case of a “health emergency” if we want to travel are planned to be developed and approved within 100 days in future, thanks to drastic reductions in safety requirements.

It was all long planned

Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, The Commons Project has been working on “developing tools to manage health data and other personal information” since 6 January 2020. In July 2020, it became a global organisation based in Geneva (with WHO and aviation organisations) with a very high profile board of directors. Already on 7 October, the Commons Project and the World Economic Forum announced the launch of a field trial of the newly developed app CommonPass, an app that would allow anyone with antibodies to Corona, or who has been vaccinated, to travel internationally again.

As early as February 2022, the SMART Health Card of the Vaccine Credential Initiative (VI), which includes Microsoft, Salesforce and Oracle, had become the standard in the USA, Canada, Central America, Japan, Singapore as well as the UK and parts of Africa.

In parallel with the development of the EU’s digital Covid certificate in spring 2022, the WHO, funded by the Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, has developed a guideline for digital Covid 19 certificates.

As early as February 2022, the WHO commissioned T-Systems to make QR codes of vaccination certificates verifiable across national borders. The Deutsche Telekom subsidiary was to enable the WHO to provide all of its 194 member states with “a technical framework for the introduction of digital vaccination certificates”. This new system was supposed to become the standard procedure for documentation and proof of vaccinations of all kinds after the Corona pandemic had been overcome. (Note: Linked news agency report is in German.)

The EU Commission and national governments agreed on, developed and introduced the Europe-wide compatible Covid certificate system within weeks. There has never been anything like this speed in the EU. In my view, IT corporations with huge development capacities, such as Microsoft, Salesforce and Oracle (VCI), must have played a decisive role in the background. after all, it was the declared aim of the VCI to provide governments with a standard for digital health certificates.

The EU, as a confederation of states, was probably chosen as the ideal candidate for a pilot project to introduce internationally harmonised health certificates. (Quote: “The EU Covid Digital Certificate was the only system that worked on an international level.”),

A big step toward ID2020

At its launch, French defense contractor Thales, which also has a digital identity division, described the EU’s digital vaccination card and the need to show it everywhere as paving the way for universal mobile-digital identity credentials.

The Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation have not only financed the WHO’s Covid certificate policy, they are also direct or indirect financiers of the ID2020 initiative. This initiative aims to impose on everyone in the world a unique digital identity by 2030, to be used for many different public and private purposes. The flipside of these unique identitires used for everything will be interconnected mega-databases in which data on all people will be stored, as all information about these people can be brought together in an automated way, whithout confusion of identities. The privileges for vaccinated people, which have been maintained despite the now increasingly obvious failure to prevent transmission, make sense as a means to push toward the ID2020 programme.

WHO acts against its own guideline

The WHO guideline for digital immunisation certificates explicitly states:

„Individual vaccination status is private information, and protections need to be in place to ensure that no individual is forced to disclose or publicly display a DDCC:VS (Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates: Vaccination Status; N.H.) to access any public area or activity. Such a practice and/or the lack of a DDCC:VS itself may result in the stigmatization of individuals without a DDCC:VS and may exacerbate the risk of harms.“

However, this was obviously a fig leaf from the beginning, something to be declared, without meaning it. After all, the guideline is to a very large extent about the proof of vaccinations and the avoidance of fraud in the process. Extensive fraud prevention, which is at the core of the guideline, is only necessary, if significant disadvantages are associated with not being able to proof a (required) vaccination.


The WHO is acting in the interests of the coalition of corporations, foundations and US-government that finances the bulk of its budget and call the shots. It promotes their intention to become the world passport authority for international travel and to connect all people to an automatically controllable biometric-digital identity system. For the corporations, this results in masses of valuable data, and for the US government and other powerful governments, control over the people connected to the resulting mega-databases.

German version (with more links to earlier analysis)


WHO’s global pandemic treaty could open the gates into a transhumanistic future
2 April 2022 | Video (CC EN) | In the first article on the global pandemic treaty of the World Health Organization, I found fears largely confirmed that the WHO could become a health-supergovernment and establish a permanent pandemic regime. Another worry I had found expressed was that it could be used to further the transhumanist agenda of the World Economic Forum. Unfortunately, a search of semi-official sources revealed that such warnings are warranted.

Both my videos on the WHO’s global pandemic treaty are now available with closed caption in English
13 April 2022 | The videos on a transhumanistic future with the WHO’s intended global pandemic treaty and the video on the normalization of the state of emergency by that treaty (two-parter) are now both available with closed-caption in English on Youtube.

Will the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty put the world in a constant state of emergency?
28 March 2022 | Video (CC EN) | The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently working on a global pandemic treaty with the EU and national governments worldwide. Among the few who know about it, the project is raising serious concerns. They fear that such a treaty would put governments and parliaments under the direct rule of the WHO or that it would be used to promote the transhumanist agenda of the World Economic Forum’s leader Klaus Schwab. A search of official sources reveals that one of these fears, at least, is rather well founded.

The World Economic Forum is slowly taking over the UN
7 July 2019 | The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to intensify their cooperation. The UN seems embarrassed – for good reason. It is another step in its self-disempowerment of the UN and another milestone for the club of multinationals on the way to its declared goal – world domination. Sounds exagerated? Read for yourself what the World Economic Forum is writing on the subject.

More blogposts in English (on other topics)