Polarization of societies around Covid-vaccinations was already planned in spring 2020

30 September 2022 | Even before Covid-vaccines were developed, researchers of the US elite university Yale investigated which mass psychological means could best be used to get people to push each other to vaccinate. The messages that were identified as particularly effective in a large, elaborate experimental study were precisely those that were later used internationally to promote social ostracism and discrimination of people hesitant to be vaccinated.

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US is pushing Europe to agree to automated large-scale sharing of biometric data

27 July 2022 | Washington is currently strong-arming individual European governments and the EU to agree to an automated International Biometric Information Sharing Agreement, This would create a vast computer-searchable database with biometric and biographic Information of all citizens of Europe, the US and a number of other countries.

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The rulers of the world – according to the World Economic Forum and Transparency International

16 July 2022 | A revealing text has appeared on the website of the World Economic Forum, the lobby of the largest international corporations. It names, unusually openly, the true rulers of world affairs. The co-authorship of the head of Transparency International makes clear the true character of such “non-governmental” organisations.

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World Economic Forum touts Bitcoin as a tool against global warming

23 June 2022 | With its Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, the lobby of the world’s largest corporations, supposedly wants to save the world from climate collapse. With a contribution on protecting the climate through Bitcoin, the powerful organisation proves- once again – that distrust is called for when it comes to corporate commitments to social goals. Greenwashing is the order of the day.

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Short News

21/06/2022 The Youtube video “Monkeypox, Pandemic Games and the Tightening of the International Health Regulations” now with closed caption in English.

Study exposes the lie of financial inclusion through big data and elimination of cash

16 June 2022 | Those who are pushing for the abolition of cash and the surveillance and classification of people with artificial intelligence like to pose as helpers of those previously excluded from the formal financial sector. They talk of financial inclusion. A recent economic study shows that the few disadvantaged people who are helped by the advertised methods are vastly outnumbered by those, whose situation continues deteriorates.

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