WHO is covering the world with a network of truth keepers

14 December 2022 | A global truth ministry, as WHO wants to be, has to do a lot to enforce its own truth and that of its pharmaceutical industry backers. To achieve this,  the World Health Organization (WHO) is now organizing trainings all over the world to train trainers who will train truth-keepers.

WHO is calling the keepers of its truths “fact-checkers”. They are checking health related information which becomes influential, mostly on social media, against the scientific truths that are handed down from WHO. They are comparing health related claims to official comments or they ask health agencies or reliably scientists for a judgment on the respective claims.

There is already a global network of fact-checkers, which is organized by the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Institute in California, sponsored by the US government and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which happen to be also the two most important sources of founding of WHO. To win fact checking contracts with social media platforms like Facebook, fact-checkers need to be licensed by IFCN. IFCN is financially supporting fact checking organizations it approves of.

Now, WHO wants to lift the effort to enforce a single-scientific-truth to a new level:

“The long term objective is to create a professional network of fact-checkers who can support local and regional efforts to halt mis-and disinformation in future health emergencies by strengthening the voice of science. (…) WHO is therefore organising a series of training of trainers workshops for factcheckers to strengthen their science and health literacy and other skills. The first of these will be focused on the Asia Pacific region, and further workshops will be focused on other regions.”

To this end, WHO has issued a Call for Expression of Interest for interested organizations “to partner WHO in developing and organizing a training of trainers (ToT) workshop with factcheckers to strengthen the voice of science to prevent misinformation.” The task is described as:

“The objective of this work is to support the implementation of the “Crosscheck: Science and Factchecking” training of trainers workshop, through the planning, development of the curriculum, of content, and identification of suitable trainers. The workshop is to train professionals involved in or interested in factchecking to enhance the voice of science to fight rising misinformation through an understanding of scientific information and its correct interpretation, and strengthen health literacy competencies to enhance the factchecking skills.”

The tender offer has been out in public for less than a month, from 21 November, and will close already on 16 December. In that short span of time, extensive documentation would have to be provided, on how the interested organization would go about developing a training curriculum and guidebook, plan and organize the workshop, organize the logistics including workshop venue, hotel stay and travel for participants and facilitators, and how much they would charge for all that.

However, the specific requirements for the supplier in terms of experience and contacts are such, anyway, that only IFCN and few others with close contact to WHO, the Gates Foundation and the US government stand a chance to fulfill them.

A call for applications by professionals who would like to be trained is also out with dealine 16 December. WHO invites health professionals, fact-checkers or media educators with at least five years of relevant experience to apply. As part of their explanation, they are expected to explain how they would plan to train others in their organizations, regions and countries, if chosen.


How WHO is controlling social media
4 December 2022 | The World Health Organization (WHO) has a webpage, which lists and describes the various ways in which the UN-organization, which is predominantly financed by large corporations and their foundations, is controlling and manipulating social media to make sure that only their version of science and truth gets distributed widely.

The WHO/pharma health dicatorship is taking shape
11 December 2022 | Government representatives have agreed to negotiate a first draft of a binding WHO pandemic treaty on the basis of a “conceptual zero draft” that is already available. It has obligations to constantly check for any possibly new virus, to give subsidies to pharma and to stockpile vaccines, support for medical patents and the right for the WHO to rule over pandemic responses via expert teams, sent into affected countries.

Both my videos on the WHO’s global pandemic treaty are now available with closed caption in English
13 April 2022 | The videos on a transhumanistic future with the WHO’s intended global pandemic treaty and the video on the normalization of the state of emergency by that treaty (two-parter) are now both available with closed-caption in English on Youtube.

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