ID 2020 – a unified digital identity for everybody on earth

April 21, 2020 | Eric Wagner of multipolar has written a piece on ID2020, which cites translated sections from my reporting in German. Since I have not gotten around to translating my recent writing on ID2020, I take this opportunity to familiarize international readers with this creepy campaign. The following is the second part of a multipolar-article. A link to the first part on mass vaccinations is at the end.

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The Totalitarian Dystopia of the World Economic Forum is Becoming Reality

April 11, 2020 | In January  2018, a pilot project for the surveillance of air travelers, commissioned by the World Economic Forum, was agreed upon in Davos. At the time, I presented the Known Traveller Digital Identity (KTDI) project as a “totalitarian dystopa”. A follow-up report shows that the multinational corporations are successfully involving governments and the EU in their plans. Covid-19 is speeding up implementation tremdendously and Bill Gates inadvertently lets us know how.

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BIS Praises Indian Milestone Toward Totalitarianism as an Example for the World

February 16, 2020 | The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the powerful central bank of central banks, has published a paper that is scandalous in more than one respect. They advocate worldwide adoption of the Indian government’s approach to data-sharing, which will result in every Indian citizen being stripped of all privacy. …

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The World Economic Forum is slowly taking over the UN

7 July 2019 | The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to intensify their cooperation. The UN seems embarrassed  – for good reason. It is another step in its self-disempowerment of the UN and another milestone for the club of multinationals on the way to its declared goal – world domination. Sounds exagerated? Read for yourself what the World Economic Forum is writing on the subject.

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Wall Street comes to Cambodia’s microcredit sector

By Milford Bateman. One microcredit institution in Cambodia has in recent years been highlighted not just as a best practice example of the microcredit model in action, but as a leading example of ‘inclusive capitalism’ composed of ‘social enterprises’ that aim to do good in the community. Now AMK had been acquired for a cool $US150 million by the Taiwan-based Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank, one of Asia’s most aggressive financial institutions.What is making the former owners of AMK wealthy, is very bad news for its already suffering creditors.

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EU-Parliament wants Trichet removed from ECB-ethics committee (corrected version)

Yesterday, the EU-Parliament adopted a report, which calls on the ECB “to ensure that the Ethics Committee is not chaired by a former president of the ECB” and stresses that the president or board members of the ECB should not be members of the G30 or other groups which include executives from banks supervised by the ECB.

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