Why the World Economic Forum loves Greta: Binding CO2-limits for happy citizens who own nothing

5 October 2022 | “Your CO2 limit for the month has been reached, unfortunately we can no longer sell you meat and tropical fruits. How about locally grown potatoes and vegetables?” You could be getting messages of this kind in the near future from the payment app on your personal monitoring device (aka smartphone) when you enter a supermarket towards the end of the month – at least if the corporate lobby World Economic Forum has its way.

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EU Commission wants emergency rights to tell companies what to produce and for whom

26 September 2022 | With its draft law for a “Single Market emergency instrument”, the EU Commission plans to obtain control over companies in any member state in the event of an unspecified crisis. The Commission wants the power to dictate to “crisis-relevant” companies what they have to produce and to whom they have to deliver it. Democracy and the market economy in Europe are at stake.

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Edward Snowden warns against digital financial fascism

14 July 2022 | It’s been nine years since Edward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA’s global data siphoning shocked the world. But instead of suffering a setback, the U.S. has since expanded its data theft. That’s why it’s important to look at how Snowden evaded surveillance, and what he recommends we do to preserve our freedom. A guest post by Hakon von Holst.

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China leads the way to fine-tuned crowd control by health-code manipulation

17. June 2022 | China’s government is showing what can be done with digital health passes in conjunction with tests and vaccinations as conditions for access to buildings and means of transport. Those who show intention to take part in public protests, have the color of their health app set to red. Some liberal democracies, including Germany, have already gone some way down a similiar path. And the digital health passport is set to become a permanent fixture in the EU.

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Here we go: The first government merges digital payment data and grocery store receipts

7 June 2022 | Warnings that government social engineers could soon determine what kinds of food we be allowed to buy have seemed far-fetched, until now. Currently, the first European government is working on getting the necessary data. It is collecting all payment data and cash register receipts and merging them with data on households.

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World Health Assembly shelfs US plan for a WHO health dictatorship – for now

2 June 2022 | A radical proposal by the US government to tighten the International Health Regulations (IHR) has failed at the 75th World Health Assembly of the WHO in Geneva due to the resistance of African and other countries, which did not want to submit so easily to a health dictatorship from Washington and Geneva. Negotiations about a strengthening of the IHR will continue until 2024 in parallel with the global pandemic treaty.

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International Health Regulations: A big step toward a health dictatorship is imminent

12 May 2022 | Currently, the World Health Organization, the EU, and the other WHO member states are negotiating a global pandemic treaty. A proposal from Washington to dis-empower national governments under the International Health Regulations (IHR) indicates where the journey is headed. It is to be voted on at the end of May. The main beneficiaries would be large international corporations in two industries.

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