France is leading Europe on the road to Chinese style population control: QR-Code required to enter certain quarters

14 April 2024 | For eight days, a QR code will be required to enter the Parisian neighbourhoods along the Seine, where the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will take place. Soldiers will control the entrances. As feared and predicted, the digital access card system practised with vaccination cards will be made permanent. This clearly shows the totalitarian potential of Known Traveller, ID2020, cash abolition, exclusively digital tickets for buses and trains and of the global health passport as a travel document.

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WHO chief panics over strong resistance to the pandemic treaty

24 Januar 2024 | On 22 January, the World Health Organisation (WHO) held a briefing to update member states on the status of negotiations on a global pandemic treaty and the tightening of the International Health Regulations (IHR). The WHO Director-General’s rant against critics shows how frayed his nerves have become due to the stalling of his plans to expand his own power.

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Global governance by corporations to be enshrined at the UN Future Summit

3 December 2023 | The complete subjugation of the UN to corporate interests, which the World Economic Forum outlined with its Global Redesign Initiative in 2010 and has successfully pursued since then, is to be enshrined in the rules and regulations of the world organisation at the UN Future Summit in 2024. This is important not least because of the planned pandemic agreement, which is to give WHO excessive powers.

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The biometric-digital marking of all citizens of the world is becoming reality

12 November 2023 | Shortly after it has become known that hackers are offering the identity data of most Indians from the world’s largest digital identity database for sale, the European Parliament and Council have agreed to introduce something similar for Europeans, while Washington praises the Ukrainian version as an export model and Bill Gates wants to impose a biometric digital marker on every newborn child in Kenya for life.

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UN develops a total-surveillance instrument with autocracy Kazakhstan

22 September 2023 | With the help of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Kazakhstan, which is not exactly a democratic model state, has developed a Digital Family Card that brings together all information about all citizens and their family relationships. Under the pretext of being able to help better and faster the government is depriving families of their privacy.

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Ready for brain transparency? Amid the laughter of Davos, the machine is assimilating humans

6 August 2023 | A presentation on the technical monitoring of human brain functions at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos has shined a spotlight on what ails our society: excessive faith in technology and too much efficiency without a worthwhile goal. As long as the machine runs like clockwork, it is considered irrelevant what it produces. From this diagnosis I derive recommendations on how we can change direction. Continue reading “Ready for brain transparency? Amid the laughter of Davos, the machine is assimilating humans”

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