Will the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty put the world in a constant state of emergency?

28 March 2022 | Video (CC EN) | The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently working on a global pandemic treaty with the EU and national governments worldwide. Among the few who know about it, the project is raising serious concerns. They fear that such a treaty would put governments and parliaments under the direct […]


The Endgame of Capitalism A giant Ponzi scheme runs its course as elites prepare for the day after How can this be? The world’s major stock markets recorded very strong gains between spring 2020 and summer 2021. In a year in which global economic output suffered a severe slump, in which many millions of people […]

The EU roadmap to the digital vaccination card

May 9, 2020 | Following protests, German Health Minister Jens Span has withdrawn his unusually forward-looking plans to introduce a digital immunity card. What he did not say neither when presenting his plans nor when he withdrew: the electronic vaccination card is a project at EU level that will be pursued further.

ID 2020 – a unified digital identity for everybody on earth

April 21, 2020 | Eric Wagner of multipolar has written a piece on ID2020, which cites translated sections from my reporting in German. Since I have not gotten around to translating my recent writing on ID2020, I take this opportunity to familiarize international readers with this creepy campaign. The following is the second part of […]

The World Economic Forum is slowly taking over the UN

7 July 2019 | The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to intensify their cooperation. The UN seems embarrassed  – for good reason. It is another step in its self-disempowerment of the UN and another milestone for the club of multinationals on the way to its […]

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