Sudan: Another proxy-war

27 April 2023 | In Sudan, fierce fighting with many civilian casualties has broken out between the troops of two generals who have been governing the country together. Media present the issue as a simple rivalry between two generals hungry for dictatorial power. However, a fact that is conspicuously absent from the reports might play […]

The WHO/pharma health dicatorship is taking shape

11 December 2022 | Government representatives have agreed to negotiate a first draft of a binding WHO pandemic treaty on the basis of a “conceptual zero draft” that is already available. It has obligations to constantly check for any possibly new virus, to give subsidies to pharma and to stockpile vaccines, support for medical patents […]

How WHO is controlling social media

4 December 2022 | The World Health Organization (WHO) has a webpage, which lists and describes the various ways in which the UN-organization, which is predominantly financed by large corporations and their foundations, is controlling and manipulating social media to make sure that only their version of science and truth gets distributed widely. It is […]

Paypal claims the right to loot accounts and to censor – more so in Europe than in the US

2 November 2022 | In early October, the leading Internet payment provider Paypal announced that from 3 November it would take $2,500 from the accounts of customers who it thinks spread misinformation. After negative customer reactions, Paypal abandoned this plan. However, social media commentary has it that the new policy was secretly rolled out, nevertheless. […]

EU is financing surveillance and manipulation of public opinion in Africa

17 Oktober 2022 | The EU has been funding a project in Nigeria that used eavesdroppers in villages and journalists trained as online scouts and trolls to track and counter opinions critical of the government, in order to secure stability and peace. The Nigerian government is continuing the project.

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