Pressure is mounting on Draghi and the G30

Emily O‘Reilly is the EU Ombudsman, an arbiter for the public’s complaints about EU-institutions. She has earned a reputation for being tough. She wants written answers from Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, the EU’s monetary and banking surveillance institution. He has to explain how he makes sure that he does not divulge insider information or runs into conflicts of interest as a participant of secret talks with bankers in the so-called Group of Thirty (G30). O’Reilly’s questions, published on her website, make it plain that she will not easily be convinced.

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Bundesbank corrects textbook mistakes on money creation, rejects 100%-money

In the April-edition of their monthly report, the Bundesbank has belatedly joined the Bank of England in explicitly stating that the treatment of banks and money creation in most textbooks is wrong: banks are not intermediaries; they create money ex-nihilo. This helps the Bundesbank to reject criticism that central banks are currently “printing” too much money. At the same time, the Bundesbank rejects the proposal of 100%-money, i.e. bank deposits fully backed by central bank money.

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Will California’s minimum wage put “non-elite restaurants“ out of business, as “Harvard-Shock-Study” suggests?

Recently, California’s legislature decided that by 2022 the state’s minimum wage will rise to $15 from currently $10. A number of cities, including San Francisco, have already started hiking their own minimum wage. Thus, a Harvard-linked study of the effects of these regional minimum wage hikes on restaurant closures met with great media interest in California and beyond. The popular anarcho-finance website Zero Hedge titled “Harvard Shock Study”. Breitbart found its own anti-elite twist with the headline “Harvard Research: Minimum Wage Hikes Put Non-Elite Restaurants Out of Business”. We take a closer look at the findings of the study.

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The EU-Commission wants to know your opinion on cash restrictions. Do let them know!

As an esteemed member of the European public, you might be unaware that the EU-Commission is keen on knowing your opinion on possible restrictions on cash payments. Now you know. You should certainly let the EU know about your opinion, so they don’t make their decision based only on the input of those who make money on digital payments or want your data. You can answer the questionnaire in English or any other official EU-language. There is an opportunity to upload a document, in which you lay out your position on cash restrictions.

Top 10 most read stories

Page views in Thousands.*

Note: most entries on this Website are in German. This is a list of the most-read English stories, only. Last updated, 10 April 2018.

A well-kept open secret: Washington is behind Inida’s brutal Experiment of abolishing most cash  (Jan 17)  223
Was it worth it? Concessions to Greece relative to the rejected draft of 16 February (Feb 15) 46*
The power of gold: Why Deutsche Bundesbank had to promise to leave 1200 tons in New York 41*
How India became Bill Gates’ guinea pig: A conspiracy as recounted by the main actors (Feb 17)  24*
Was it worth it for Schäuble? What did he gain by blocking Varoufakis’11 February proposal? (Feb 15) 20
More evidence of early US involvement in Indian demonetisation (Jan 17) 18*
IMF tells governments how to subvert public resistance against elimination of cash (Apr 17)  18*
 Modi, Yunus and the financial inclusion mafia (March 17 19 
A $500 bn pot of gold: How Boston Consulting and Google pushed Modi to end the era of cash (Jan 17) 15
Draghi insists on continuing the G30-scandal – new report is out (Oct 15) 13
Author’s recommendations  
Economics as Superstructure: Presentation at the House of Lords (March 15) 7.8
George Soros’ INET: An institute to improve the world or a Trojan horse of the financial oligarchy? (March 14)  6.2

* Stories marked with asterisk have been posted after a technical relaunch in Januar 2017. For these stories, the number of clicks should be more or less equal to the number of readers. For all others, the number of readers will be up to a third lower than the number of clicks.

This website does not use tracking software like Google Analytics. Therefore, Information on unique users is not available.

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