The biometric-digital marking of all citizens of the world is becoming reality

12 November 2023 | Shortly after it has become known that hackers are offering the identity data of most Indians from the world’s largest digital identity database for sale, the European Parliament and Council have agreed to introduce something similar for Europeans, while Washington praises the Ukrainian version as an export model and Bill Gates […]

The Global Listening Project: the globalists want to know what we are thinking

15 June 2023 | Hardly anyone knows about the Global Listening Project. Those responsible seem to like it this way. A project that pretends to be emphatically interested in the concerns of people all over the world, has many traits that speak of a desire to manipulate populations into accepting the policies and goals of […]

India’s central bank launches new campaign against cash

5 June 2023 | India’s central bank will withdraw the largest banknote from circulation. The then largest note is only worth about as much as the smallest in the euro area. The move is intended to force people to use electronic money instead of cash. With this, they can be better monitored and controlled and […]

WHO wants to make manipulation of public opinion mandatory for governements

24 February 2023  | WHO’s governing body has signed off on a draft resolution on the use of behavioural sciences in health policy. A pamphlet issued by the Rockefeller Foundation makes clear what it is really about: extensive manipulation of public opinion n the interests of a world authority that believes itself to be in […]

WHO is covering the world with a network of truth keepers

14 December 2022 | A global truth ministry, as WHO wants to be, has to do a lot to enforce its own truth and that of its pharmaceutical industry backers. To achieve this,  the World Health Organization (WHO) is now organizing trainings all over the world to train trainers who will train truth-keepers.

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