Cash industry association ESTA comments on legal tender ruling of the European Court of Justice

4 February 2021 | The European association of cash handling companies ESTA has issued an opinion on the ruling of the European Court of Justice in my case concerning the right to pay my fees to the public broadcaster in cash. They agree with me that the main justification of the court for postulating that the obligation to accept the legal tender can be restricted by national and sub-national lawmakers is severely flawed. Continue reading “Cash industry association ESTA comments on legal tender ruling of the European Court of Justice”

Juan Carlos Boué: The World Bank Sausage Factory

13 December 2020 | Investor State Dispute Settlement, those special tribunals which foreign investors can use to sue a host government for alleged infringement on their rights, have drawn criticism for being one sided. Investors can sue governments, but not vice versa. Arbitration counsel Juan Carlos Boue describes a case, which takes this to the extreme. An investor drags a government in front of a tribunal because the government is suing the investor at regular courts. 

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The ECB would (not really) like to know your opinion on the digital euro – let them know

18 November 2020 | The European Central Bank (ECB) is currently asking citizens and (especially) the financial and tech industries how they would like to see the digital euro that the ECB is working on. In bad EU tradition, it is not asking whether we would like it at all. But the survey offers fields where you can tell them anyway.

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All the good things a digital euro could do – and all the bad things it will

10. 11. 2020 | Few other documents have been sent to me as often as the recent deliberations of the European Central Bank (ECB) on a digital euro. There is obviously a great deal of suspicion with regard to plans of a digital euro. The following analysis will try to answer the question if this suspicion is justified.

Continue reading “All the good things a digital euro could do – and all the bad things it will”

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