What Haering vs. Hessischer Rundfunk Will Imply for the Legality of a Parallel Currency

March 31, 2020 | On 15 June, as part of the Häring vs. Hessischer Rundfunk case, the European Court of Justice will rule on the conditions under which governments may restrict the use of the legal tender of the euro area. There is a lot at stake, not only for my campaign to obstruct the campaign to abolish cash, but also for the survival of the European Monetary Union.

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EU-Budget Rules Need Reform: Reference to Nonsense Output Gaps Keeps Economy Down

February 12, 2020 | There is a much needed discussion in European policy circles about simplifying the budgetary surveillance process. One possible and much needed reform is to do away with the reference to „structural“ budget deficits, as the „campaign against nonsense output gaps“ has shown. Its protagonists have just issued another damning paper. …

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A Greek conspiracy: How the ECB crushed Varoufakis’ plans

A central bank governor in Athens conspires with the President of the Republic to sabotage the negotiation strategy of his government to weaken it in its negotiations with the European Central Bank. After the government has capitulated, this governor, who is a close friend of the new finance minister and boss of the finance ministers wife, and the President of the Republic travel together to the ECB to collect their praise and rewards. This is not an invention, this is now documented.

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“Syriza did not expect to stand alone in the negotiations” Interview with Athanase Contagyris

Anasthase Contagyris is a French and Greek economist living in Athens. He is Co-Founder of Attac-Greece, CEO of Dialogos Ltd, an Athens  Startup coaching and export facilitation consultancy he founded in 19887. He is a member of the Truth Committee on Public Debt of the Greek Parliament, which recently issued a preliminary report. We met in Frankfurt. He is well conneted, though not a member, to Syriza.

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Anti-Greek Media Propaganda Will Come Back to Haunt Germany – A Dire Warning From 2011

 In June 2011, Spiegel Online conducted and published a remarkable interview with Albrecht Ritschl. Ritschl is one of Germany’s most renowned economic historians, teaching at the London School of Economics.  Already for years ago, he warned that Germany, being the worst debt offender in history, would ultimately regret it, if it insisted on behaving like the tough taskmaster of Athens and the rest of Europe. What Ritschl predicted is

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