Paypal claims the right to loot accounts and to censor – more so in Europe than in the US

2 November 2022 | In early October, the leading Internet payment provider Paypal announced that from 3 November it would take $2,500 from the accounts of customers who it thinks spread misinformation. After negative customer reactions, Paypal abandoned this plan. However, social media commentary has it that the new policy was secretly rolled out, nevertheless. […]

From October, Microsoft will check everything you do on your Windows computer

22 September 2023 | From 30 September, new terms and conditions will apply to Microsoft customers. If you do not adhere to a vague code of conduct when using products of the quasi-monopolist, your account can be blocked and you can lose access to all paid or free services and your data stored there. Recourse […]

Italians go for the biometric digital ID

9 June 2022 | In Italy, half the population already has the new biometric digital IDs, which allow people to conduct their affairs with the notoriously inefficient administration online. But the new digital identities are supposed to be used for a lot more. Italians may soon be some of the supervised apeople in Europe.

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