India’s central bank launches new campaign against cash

5 June 2023 | India’s central bank will withdraw the largest banknote from circulation. The then largest note is only worth about as much as the smallest in the euro area. The move is intended to force people to use electronic money instead of cash. With this, they can be better monitored and controlled and […]

Study exposes the lie of financial inclusion through big data and elimination of cash

16 June 2022 | Those who are pushing for the abolition of cash and the surveillance and classification of people with artificial intelligence like to pose as helpers of those previously excluded from the formal financial sector. They talk of financial inclusion. A recent economic study shows that the few disadvantaged people who are helped […]

Anti-Cash-Alliance Suffers Setback in Home-Town New York

The Better Than Cash Alliance (Visa, Mastercard, Citibank, Bill Gates, USAID) coordinates the global war against cash from New York. Now, the city council there has decided to oblige all brick and mortar stores and restaurants to accept cash. The justification of the regulation is a low blow for the alliance’s financial inclusion propaganda…


The Challenge Those who take part make a commitment to increase the fraction of their expenses that they pay in cash and to work on getting others to participate – in personal conversations, via social media, newsletters, lectures or letters to the editor. In this way, we want to ensure that no further decrease in […]

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