The ECB would (not really) like to know your opinion on the digital euro – let them know

18 November 2020 | The European Central Bank (ECB) is currently asking citizens and (especially) the financial and tech industries how they would like to see the digital euro that the ECB is working on. In bad EU tradition, it is not asking whether we would like it at all. But the survey offers fields where you can tell them anyway.

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All the good things a digital euro could do – and all the bad things it will

10. 11. 2020 | Few other documents have been sent to me as often as the recent deliberations of the European Central Bank (ECB) on a digital euro. There is obviously a great deal of suspicion with regard to plans of a digital euro. The following analysis will try to answer the question if this suspicion is justified.

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Newly released documents show: There is no legal basis for imposing restrictions on the use of cash

June 8, 2020 | In many countries of the monetary union there are upper limits for cash payments. The European Central Bank (ECB) and the EU Commission have rubberstamped them, relying on a rather obscure legal basis. Using documents obtained from the archives of EU institutions, I can show that the ECB’s and the Commission’s reasoning are based on a misinterpretation.

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