Bill Gates pretends that Event 201 never happened April 26, 2020 | Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who, together with his wife, runs the richest and most powerful foundation in the world, co-organized a simulation exercise on a worldwide corona epidemic in October 2019, just before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Videos were published , documenting this exercise. Now he pretends in an interview that such a thing has never happened. Why? Continue reading “Bill Gates pretends that Event 201 never happened” → Competitiveness as Defined by Billionaires and Multinationals 3 October 2019 | Germany has slipped from 3rd to 7th place of the most competitive countries in the world. This emerged from the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2019. In theory, according to the forum, a good ranking means high long-term growth potential. In reality, it measures something quite different – something that is closely related to the interests of this powerful lobby of the largest multinationals. Continue reading “Competitiveness as Defined by Billionaires and Multinationals” → 1 2 3 Posts navigation Newer posts
Competitiveness as Defined by Billionaires and Multinationals 3 October 2019 | Germany has slipped from 3rd to 7th place of the most competitive countries in the world. This emerged from the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2019. In theory, according to the forum, a good ranking means high long-term growth potential. In reality, it measures something quite different – something that is closely related to the interests of this powerful lobby of the largest multinationals. Continue reading “Competitiveness as Defined by Billionaires and Multinationals” → 1 2 3 Posts navigation Newer posts