The Endgame of Capitalism

My latest book “Endspiel des Kapitalismus” (The Endgame of Capitalism) was published in October 2021 by Quadriga. The Endgame of Capitalism A giant Ponzi scheme runs its course as elites prepare for the day after The Author (CV) Table of Contents Introduction Reading samples from … World government illustrated: The World Economic Forum The nature […]

How Mastercard invented the health hazard of cash

12 March 2021 | During the corona crisis, Mastercard has been busy peddling the claim that cash poses a major health threat. But this is a campaign that’s been going on for at least eight years. Hakon von Holst took a closer look at its beginnings. At the center: media that trumpet any interest-driven trash […]

Ursula von der Leyen wants to push a unified digital identity on all EU-citizens

27 September 2020 | The President of the EU-Commission plans to give all EU citizens a European digital identity which can “be used anywhere in Europe to do anything from paying taxes to renting a bike”. She wants to implement for Europe what ID2020, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank and Homeland Security are […]

Rockefeller Foundation keeps working on their autocratic Lock Step scenario

July 13, 2020. Ten years ago, the Rockefeller Foundation published the eerily prescient, autocratic Lock-Step-Scenario and, apparently, has been working to make it true. The most recent initiative in this regard is a cooperation of the Rockefeller-funded GAVI immunization alliance with Mastercard and a biometric ID company named TrustStamp.

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