The Cold War for Eurasia – viewed from Moscow

4 October 2018 | Almost four years later, a guest author’s review of Glenn Diesen’s 2017 book “Russia’s Geoeconomic Strategy for a Greater Eurasia” is still – or rather: again – particularly interesting. That is why I am pulling it up once again.

WHO’s global pandemic treaty could open the gates into a transhumanistic future

2 April 2022 | Video (CC EN) |  In the first article on the global pandemic treaty of the World Health Organization, I found fears largely confirmed that the WHO could become a health-supergovernment and establish a permanent pandemic regime. Another worry I had found expressed was that it could be used to further the […]

The endgame of capitalism

Capitalism at zero interest rates Since 2014, the reference interest rate for safe investments in the euro area, the yield on ten-year Bunds, has been close to zero. It has even been slightly negative since 2019. The yield on 30-year bonds is only minimally positive. This means that market participants expect zero interest rates for […]

The Capitalists of the 21st Century

June 2, 2020 | A few months ago, Werner Rügemer’s intriguing typology of the financial players dominating capitalism in the 21. century was published in an English translation. With kind permission of the author I am publishing a longish  teaser from “The Capitalists of the 21st Century”.

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