About this Blog

Welcome to the weblog Money and More by Norbert Häring, a non-commercial after-work blog on economic and social issues that does not spy on its readers. For the lifetime you invest here, you will receive information, analysis and comments that you will rarely find in the other media. I usually report or comment only if […]

Books by Norbert Häring

New book coming out in October The Endgame of Capitalism Books in English “Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards” (with NIall Douglas) 2012. This book puts power in various guises back into economic theory, from which economic textbooks have largely purged it over time. Power in finance, power in the labour […]


  (Last updated in April 2023) Dr. Norbert Häring (international spelling: Haering) born 1963, lives and works as a business journalist in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He studied economics in Heidelberg and Saarbrücken. In Saarbrücken he obtained a Ph.D. in economics with a thesis on the political economy of regional subsidies. He worked for three […]

About Money

Money and the financial system are key themes of my blogging. The consequences of the fact that we live in a money economy and not in a barter economy are very often misrepresented or completely ignored – especially by economists. Misunderstandings about what money (and capital) is, how it is produced and distributed, and what […]

Breakfast with BlackRock & Co.

12 January 2020 | Jens Berger, editor of the popular progressive German Website “NachDenkSeiten”, has just published an eye-opening book on the power of the three asset management giants BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street (in German). I have obtained permission to publish the first chapter as an appetizer, which translates as “Breakfeast with BlackRock & […]

Competitiveness as Defined by Billionaires and Multinationals

3 October 2019 | Germany has slipped from 3rd to 7th place of the most competitive countries in the world. This emerged from the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2019. In theory, according to the forum, a good ranking means high long-term growth potential. In reality, it measures something quite different […]

What the German government must do now to turn around an unsustainable economy

Germany’s economic output contracted in the second quarter and most indications point to a worsening in the third quarter, which is just halfway through. The culprit is only superficially Donald Trump with his trade wars. The German economy has been on an unsustainable path in several respects. Now the government is called upon to act […]

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