Economic faculties in turmoil over an editor’s alleged racism and an article’s colonial attitude

June 27, 2020 | A turmoil has engulfed the faculties of economics at the University of Chicago and Harvard. A German economist was first suspended on accusations of racism in Chicago, then rehabilitated. An article in Harvard’s flagship Quarterly Journal of Economics (QJE) is accused of a colonial attitude. The authors justify themselves.

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EU Advocate General to issue his recommendation in my case on September 29

June 15, 2020 | The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice, composed of 15 judges, today held the oral hearings on the questions referred by the Bundesverwaltungegericht (Federal Administrative Court) in my case against Hessischer Rundfunk regarding their refusal to accept payment in cash. The Advocate General announced that he would issue his recommendation on September 20.

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Newly released documents show: There is no legal basis for imposing restrictions on the use of cash

June 8, 2020 | In many countries of the monetary union there are upper limits for cash payments. The European Central Bank (ECB) and the EU Commission have rubberstamped them, relying on a rather obscure legal basis. Using documents obtained from the archives of EU institutions, I can show that the ECB’s and the Commission’s reasoning are based on a misinterpretation.

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