Warmly Recommended: Website “Brave New Europe”

Mathew D. Rose – Investigative Journalist specialised in Organised Political Crime, Ruediger Rossig – Investigative Journalist, Balkan Expert, Nick Shaxson – Investigative Journalist and Author of “Treasure Islands” and David Shirreff – Former finance and business journalist at The Economist and Author of “Break up the Banks!”, Playwright are the editors of the new progressive weblog Brave New Europe, featuring texts from dozends of well-know authors.

The editors call Brave New Europe the first trans-European website exclusively challenging the neo-liberal discourse. It topics are European politics, finance, economics, and sustainability. Its goal is to be an interface between experts, activists and citizens, connecting theory and experience with practical politics.

Authors include economists Ann Pettifor, Guy Standing, Mark Blyth, Heiner Flassbeck, Yanis Varoufakis, Steve Keen and John Weeks; activists Srećko Horvat, Tamara Ehs, and Olivier Tonneau; as well as Bhutan’s Programme Director for its Gross National Happiness Centre, Ha Vinh Tho, the philosopher Michel Feher, and the sociologist Wolfgang Streeck.

Brave New Europe presents articles by its authors, podcasts and book reviews. There are links to current information in other media and films. Its commentary section intends to enable a European wide debate among its readers concerning the creation of a democratic, sustainable and just Europe.

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