RSS-Feed / Telegram / Newsletter / Twitter / Contact


Please write to [first name].haering[at]


The RSS-Feed of this page is:

Telegram Channel


If you sign up for the free newsletter you will receive an e-mail-notification with a short summary and a link every time a new English language piece is published on this blog. I promise to not use your mail-address for anything but sending this newsletter and not to give it to anyone. For subscribing please click on “Abo” and enter your mail-address in the right sidebar or at the bottom, respectively.
Should the confirmation mail not reach you or the signing-up fail for some other reason, you are invited to send me a mail with the request to be entered into the mailing-list.


My twitter handle is: @norberthaering. I tweet (mostly in German) on new entries on my blog, but also on other things, mostly economic and political.

Privacy policy

  • When is called, only data generated by this domain is loaded. Data of third parties will not be loaded.
  • Data is used exclusively for functional purposes and in anonymised form for internal statistical evaluation with WP-statistics. Data will not be passed on to third parties.
  • Social media are provided via the DSGVO-compliant WP plug-in Shariff. Data transmissions are only triggered when the social media are actively accessed.
  • By activating links to external offers, their data transfer starts and their terms of use apply.
  • Cookies are only set temporarily until the browser is closed for functional page operation.
  • This page does not load fonts from Google servers.
  • Unsubscribing from the newsletter is possible in every newsletter or by e-mail, which will result in the deletion of the e-mail address.