A new draft of the Pandemic Treaty thickens the veil over its true intentions

21. April 2024 | The latest draft of the WHO pandemic treaty for the upcoming meeting of the negotiating body at the end of the month disguises even more than the previous one the intention to make the systematic surveillance and manipulation of the public dsicourse on health issues the international norm. 

Global governance by corporations to be enshrined at the UN Future Summit

3 December 2023 | The complete subjugation of the UN to corporate interests, which the World Economic Forum outlined with its Global Redesign Initiative in 2010 and has successfully pursued since then, is to be enshrined in the rules and regulations of the world organisation at the UN Future Summit in 2024. This is important […]

On the end of freedom of expression in Europe

15 August 2022 | With the Digital Services Act and the “Code of Practice on Disinformation”, the EU is creating a sophisticated infrastructure for the comprehensive censorship of information and opinions – outsourced to private corporations. The totalitarian control ambitions behind these plans that guest author Johannes Mosmann brings out in the analysis of these […]

Will the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty put the world in a constant state of emergency?

28 March 2022 | Video (CC EN) | The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently working on a global pandemic treaty with the EU and national governments worldwide. Among the few who know about it, the project is raising serious concerns. They fear that such a treaty would put governments and parliaments under the direct […]

How Mastercard invented the health hazard of cash

12 March 2021 | During the corona crisis, Mastercard has been busy peddling the claim that cash poses a major health threat. But this is a campaign that’s been going on for at least eight years. Hakon von Holst took a closer look at its beginnings. At the center: media that trumpet any interest-driven trash […]