Unit Labour Costs for Dummies and German Business Journalists

March 8, 2020 | Gabor Steingart, former editor of the German business daily Handelsblatt, and currently building an editorial ship* to be based in Berlin, has peered beyond the fog of exaggerated discussions on climate change and the corona virus. He has identified rising unit labour costs as Germany’s real problem. It is leading to Germany’s decline, and a loss of competitiveness. A knowledgeable look at what unit labour costs are could sweep aside his concern. …

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Competitiveness as Defined by Billionaires and Multinationals

3 October 2019 | Germany has slipped from 3rd to 7th place of the most competitive countries in the world. This emerged from the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2019. In theory, according to the forum, a good ranking means high long-term growth potential. In reality, it measures something quite different – something that is closely related to the interests of this powerful lobby of the largest multinationals.

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